
Fuel Injection related

FI 2.3 LH/EZK ecu, pinning and diag connection

FI 2.3 LH/EZK ecu, how to remove the ecu's

FI 2.2 LH / EZF ecu information (pre 1987 model)

FI ecu problems

FI ecu rebuild info

FI ecu how it learns

FI ecu LH part numbers

FI ecu LH part numbers and eprom numbers

FI ecu trouble shooting

FI ecu repair suppliers

FI ecu repair (928-ecu-repair)

FI ecu repair (Achim Mueller/Rich Andrade)

FI ecu repair and FAQ

FI ecu fuel pump relay dead

FI ecu placing Performance Chips

FI ecu power flow

FI ecu Chip Tuning

FI ecu Connector pins mismatch (RHD)

FI ecu LH and EZK removal steps

Fuel Injection ecu operation info

Fuel Injection LH / EZK  ecu background

Fuel Injection LH2.2 and EZF (pre-928S4)

Fuel Injection K series / CIS (links)

Fuel Injector Info

Fuel Injector Removal help

Fuel Injector Service

Fuel Injector seal kit

Fuel Injector rebuild DIY

Fuel Injector cleaning using Sta-Bil

Fuel Injector tester schematic

Fuel Injector Wiring

Fuel Injectors clicking

Fuel Injector specs

Fuel Injector Alternatives

Fuel Injector fitting

Fuel Injector leak test

Fuel Injection vapor lock

Fuel cooler

Fuel Specifications (RON/ROZ/E10)

Fuel Quality, badly running

Fuel vapor EVAP system

Fuel Rail disassembly

Fuel Pressure data from Spec Books

Fuel Pressure

Fuel Pressure

Fuel Pressure dampers

Fuel Pressure regulator, how it works

Fuel Pressure, mixture

Fuel Pressure port adapter

Fuel tank and pump

Fuel Octane and Configuration Coding plug

Fuel Hose DIY

Fuel Hose repair DIY

Fuel distributor seal kit K-Jetronic

Fuel mixture Rich, Lean or Stoichiometric

Fuel Startup mixture

O2 sensor reading

O2 sensor wiring / removal

O2 sensor 928 1986 model

O2 sensor failure and diagnose

O2 sensor operation /Replacement 

O2 sensor controlling Emission and Fuel Economy

O2 (lambda) sensor FAQ

O2 lambda Sensor* operation and legal inspection

O2 adjustment on non CAT LH equipped cars

O2 Bosch Oxygen Sensor

O2 Sensor (Lambdasonde) test info

CO measuring port

CO adjustment pre 1987 model

CO and fuel pressure specs S4 GT GTS

How to build a Lambda and MAF meter

How to prevent Detonation

Vapor Lock

Warm up regulator pre-S4 928 models

Warm-up valve operation



MAF related

Air Flow Meter

MAF removal

MAF background and repair

MAF repair / LMM repair service

MAF Adjusting the MAF meter

Malfunctioning MAF

MAF and O2 sensor loop with the FI computer

MAF defects and K&N filters

MAF datasheet

MAF diagnose

How to build a Lambda and MAF meter

Early 928 airflow sensor

MAF 6 pin connector repair


Temp and Cooling related

Cooling system overview

Overheating, flaps, fins, thermostat

Cooling Airflow and trouble shooting

Overheating trouble shooting

Cooling fan speed control

Cooling fan Visco coupler (early 928)

Cooling fan Visco clutch silicone fluid pre-S4 models (from Toyota)

Cooling fan Visco fluid refill

Engine overheats at idle

Temp and Over temp problems

Temp Gauge

Hard cold start (temp sensor)

Engine overheated, won't start

Thermostat parts and installation

Thermostat operation in a 928

Thermostat bridge seal repair

Erratic temperature control

White smoke, elbow fitting at right head leaking

Radiator Picture and dimensions

Radiator side tanks fix

Radiator side tanks repair / core exchange

Radiator replacement copper core

Radiator types en dimensions

Radiator temperature sensor

Radiator coolant guide sleeve

Temp I and II Sensor

Temp II Sensor problems

Temp Sensors

Temp Sensor coolant

Temp and cooling flaps control

Temp readings (actual measurements)

Flap control schematic

Flap and fan engine cooling design

Coolant reservoir

Coolant reservoir removal

Coolant level sensor

Coolant level sensor seal and cap

Coolant temp sensor

Coolant Pressure Sensor

Coolant flush and options

Coolant drain and change

Coolant erratic alarm warning

Coolant Temp alarm troubleshooting

Coolant boils

Air bubbles in Cooling system

Cooling System Stop Leak ok?

Coolant types and mixing

Coolant status (PH, anticorrosion) test

Coolant BASF Glysantin

Coolant Valvoline Zerex

Dexcool and <Green to Orange> conversion

RedLine Water Wetter

After cooling when engine is shut down

Huge amount of white smoke

Waterbridge removal


Water pump

Water Pump mounting holes layout

Water Pump and Tensioner Bolts

Water Pump differences

Water Pump bearing

Water Pump new style

Water Pump disaster

Water Pump rebuild DIY

Water Pump impeller

Water Pump pictures

Water Pump bolt broken

Water Pump Broken bolt and broken tap

Water Pump gasket fitting


Engine Mounts

Engine mounts repair

Engine mounts seizes

Engine mounts replacement, no crossbar removed

Engine mounts by Anchor

Engine mounts by Volvo

Engine mounts & seal for oil pan

Engine mounts replacement step by step



Idle Stabilizer Valve picture and numbers

Idle Stabilizer: two versions

Idle Stabilizer, how it works

Idle speed surge

Idle speed surge problems and WD40 trick

More on Idle speed surge problems

Engine Stalling

Unstable Idle diagnosing

Idle troubleshooting

Fast Idle speed

Battery disconnected system adaption necessary

Idle too high

Rich fuel mixture?

Idle & CO Adjust on LH2.2 models

Idle speed reduction explained


The Vacuum system (engine)

Diagnosing the Vacuum system

Vacuum leaks diagnose

Flappy connection and vacuum line routing

Vacuum hose routing 1985-1986 and 1987

Vacuum limiter early 928


Aux Air (smog) pump

Air pump / smog pump

Air pump removal

Air pump Rebuild



All the filters and their replacements

Aluminum welding and repair

Compression test

Broken Bolt extraction

Bent Strut brace - '89

Bearing equivalents

Engine lifting or supporting the engine

Engine warm up wear and lubrication

Engine numbers and location

Engine cover new style

Emissions and understanding them

Front Engine Tear down

Thread repair Timesert and Heli Coil

OEM ersatz teile (Bosch u.a.)

Replacing the foam under the hood

Removing the head while engine in the car

Rev limits of the 928 engines

Silicone Sealant

Engine fire - fuel leaks

Engine bottom cover cracked

Engine bay decals

Engine bay pictures

Annual exhaust gas inspection

Engine keeps running with ignition off


Belts (not timing belt) 

Belt sizes and specs

Belts tension settings

Gates info on Belts



Ignition Monitoring Relay

IMR or ZKü (German)

Limp mode

Limp mode diagnosis

Limp mode (Running only on 4 cylinders)

Ignition monitoring relay, Limp mode

Ignition Circuit Monitoring Relay

Ignition Monitoring Relay Internals

Ignition Monitoring Relay Thermo Elements

Ignition Monitoring System diagnosing

Ignition Monitoring System special coding function

Ignition monitoring and Broken Central Tube Shaft



Engine detailed pictures

928 S4/GT/GTS engine cleaned up

928 S3 engine

928S4 Was Ist Unter Der Haube 4 PFF




Timing Belt related

Timing Belt quick check

Timing Belt Tension warning light

Timing Belt Tension warning delay

Timing Belt Tension indicator lamp troubleshooting

Timing Belt Tensioner

Timing Belt Tensioning cnt'd

Timing Belt Tensioner "Kundendienst Info"

Timing Belt Tensioner- how it works

Timing Belt Tensioner - adjustable

Timing Belt Tensioner pivot arm bushings

Timing Belt Tension Tool

Timing Belt Tension Tool 9131-944_Instructions

Timing Belt Tension measuring

Timing Belt Tension adjusting made easy

Timing Belt specs

Timing Belt tips on replacing

Timing Belt alternator move trick

Timing Belt and Tensioner system (by Wally)

Timing Belt replacement trick

Timing Belt for dummies (78-84)

Timing Belt shopping list for a 928GTS

Timing Belt replacement 928 GTS step by step

Timing Belt procedure for a 1986

Timing Belt job essentials Porsche 928

Timing Belt replacement by John Pirtle

Timing Belt Resources by Bill Ball

Timing Belt replacement step by step 

Timing Belt replacement, Tensioner, seals and more

Timing Belt Water Pump replacement early 928

Timing Belt Don'ts

Timing Belt failure & cam sprocket wear

Timing Belt Rollers

Why can you only turn the engine in one direction?

TDC position / 45degree position

TDC position indicator explained

TDC position locating: a method

TDC timing and advance explained

Re-aligning the cams to the crankshaft

Water pump and Tensioner Bolts

Removal of harmonic balancer

S4 Fan Shroud

S4 Fan Shroud more on removing

Flywheel lock


Starting Problems


Starting basic operation step by step  

Starting (electrical) sequence

928EngineControl by Rich Andrade

Engine start but dies over 1400 rpm

Engine slowly starting



Not starting, electrical problems

Not starting, starter problems: procedure
Not starting... basic step by step
Injector Wiring and Firing
Fuel and Spark diagnosis
Required Battery Voltage and Power

Testing the inductive Engine speed sensor

No start caused by kickdown relay
Very hard to start if at all, slowly turning
Tacho signal blocks engine start
Not starting, engine flooded
GTS won't start, starter lockout

Cold Start problems

More on Cold Start problems

Hot Hot starting problems: procedure
Hard to start when HOT
Fuel pump check valve problems



Crank bearing 2/6 failing due to Oil starvation 

Crank bearing 2/6 failure root cause analysis

Crankshaft pulley bolt

Crankshaft front side

Crank seal replacement

Crank end/play check

Thrust Bearing

Thrust Bearing failure theory

Thrust Bearing Failure

Thrust Bearing Failure and Flex Plate pre-load

Thrust Bearing play check

Thrust Bearing dramatic wear

Thrust Bearing / torque tube failure

Thrust Bearing early diagnose

Thrust Bearing symptoms and diagnose

Central tube proc crankshaft bearing clearance A/T

Torque Tube clamp alternative (TBF related)

Flexplate investigation

Flexplate clamp migration: more ideas

Flexplate balanced

Flexplate clamp new design

Flexplate clamp 3 lobe version 

Loosening a Loctite'd Torque Tube Clamp

Checking rear clamp on the torque Tube

Cross drilled Crank pictures

Crank position sensor

Crank or Flywheel lock

Crank oiling, oil level and level sensor

Crank front seal removal

Rods and special XZN (conrod) nuts

Accu sump oil (pressure and prime) solution

Problems of lubrication rod bearings

Pistons 928 GTS

Vibration damper

Engine lower half pictures


Camshaft / Valves

Cam gear positioning and T-Belt

Cam gear timing adjustment

Cam wheel sprocket wear

Cam and valve timing data

Camshaft seal replacement

Camshaft seal removal

Cam Timing info

Cam Timing degrees per tooth

Cam Timing quick check

Cam Timing compression relationship

Cam Timing (928 four valve) for humans

Cam Timing alignment tools

Cam Timing PK32VR 32V_tool

Cam Timing PK32VR Bumpstick

Cam Timing PK32VR-M Manual

Cam Timing PK32VR quick info

Chain Tensioner

Chain Tensioner and guides

Chain Tensioner pads on a 944 (similar to 928)

Chain Tensioner death rattle

Noisy lifters

Noisy lifters/ Oil check valve cleaning

Lifters apart

Noisy lifters/ camshaft oil feed plug gone

Noisy Lifters from oil plug open at cam end

Lifters repair Hydrostössel repair

Lifters / Tappets cleaning

Valve knocking when cold

Valve Clatter or Low Octane level (pre-detonation)

Valve Cover removal

Valve (Cam) cover removal and install

Valve Cover sealing

Valve cover and intake paint color

Valve cover bolt sheared off

Crank/cams breather modification

Crank/cams breather (ventilation)

Crank/cams breather patent and discussion

Oil separator Provent

Oil separator baffle choices

Bent valves leak down test



Cylinder wall repair parts

Piston oil squirter mod in S4 engine



Heads reinforced in 1989 model S4

Heads 32v from a 928 S4/GT/GTS

Head, intake and valve cover gasket kit

Head bolts 1990S4

Remove S4 heads with engine in the car



Intake Manifold

Intake seal kit

Under the Intake

Under the intake (pictures)

Getting hands under the intake

Intake removal tips

Intake removal instructions

Intake removal write up

Intake torque down specs

Intake gaskets

Intake open pictures

Intake Powder Coating Guide 87-95

Intake alternative to powder coating 87-95

Intake Decals

Intake modification for more air (HP)

Intake 928/928S spider model demo

Intake temperature sensor

Valve cover and intake paint color

Flappy questions

Flappy design and HP

Flappy bearings

Flappy connection and vacuum line routing

Flappy vacuum solenoid

Air Filter Cartridge

Air Filter Cartridge ... which way up?

Air Filter clogged, problems over 1100 rpm

Air Filter comments and K&N debate

Oil under the intake

Throttle position switch

Throttle position switch test

Throttle switch test

Throttle cable assembly

Throttle quadrant bearings

Throttle cables design and adjusting

Throttle butterfly valve (plate) adjust

Throttle Aux Air Valve (AAV)

Intake air tubes (hose) GTS remake

Intake air tubes (hose) alternative MB



Oil Pressure

Oil Pressure sender

Oil Pressure low- plug open at cam end

Oil Pressure alarm

Oil Level sensor

Oil Level alarm modified

Oil thermostat for the Oil cooler

Oil thermostat cnt'd

Oil flow / path in engine

Oil in the crank, oil level and level sensor

Oil Pan Gasket Ponderings

Oil Pan Gasket alternatives

Oil Pan Gasket pressure and replacement

Oil Pan Gasket make one yourself

Oil Pan Gasket replacement

Oil Pan bolts Torque

Oil Pan insert in o/s model

Oil Pan differences

Oil Suction tube

Oil Drain plug

Oil Drain plug Fumoto

Oil Filler neck

Oil Cooler for engine oil

Oil Cooler lines leak

Oil Pump repair

Oil Type choice

Oil Approvals by Porsche

Oil List Porsche approved 2006

Oil List Porsche approved 2008

Oil Castrol 10w60

Oil LiquiMoly 10w60

Oil a view on 10W60 oils

Oil Mobil_1_Product_Guide

Oil 0w-40 or 5w-50 or 20w-40 or 10w-60 ???

Oil consideration Bruce Buchanan

Zinc and Phosphor additive ZDDP

Virgin Oil Analysis of Euro brands

Oil info (by Doug Hillary)

My Oil choices at annual replacement

Oil Tech, Choices and background

Replacing the Fluids and Oils

Priming the oil pump and oil passages

GTS oil consumption

Oil consumption and compression - leak down test

Oil consumption - DIY oil separator

Oil separator Kuhn performance

Oil inhalation fix  

How the crankcase breathing works (Mike Schmidt)



Plug wires

Plug wire resistance

Ignition wires

Ignition wire DIY

Ignition wire sets

Plug wiring and ignition sequence

Ignition sequence visualized

Ignition sequence labels S4

Ignition sequence labels 16v 32v

Ignition power flow

Ignition Timing

Ignition Timing retarded

Spark Plugs (extensive info)

Beru Spark Plugs info

Bosch spark plug installation guide

Spark Plugs selection Bosch for GTS

Spark Plus Appearance Analyze

Spark plugs stuck

Spark Plug anti seize?

Spark Plugs thread lubrication information

Spark Plugs fitting and removing wrench

Spark timing and triggering

Distributors and rotors

Distributor green wire 1979-1986 16v

Rotor old style with rpm limiter

Ignition coils swapping out

Ignition Coils and power stage

Ignition power stage

Retarding during AT shifts

Ezk Brain placing Performance Chips

Ezk Chip Tuning

Ezf vacuum advance

Mis-Firing of non Firing ignition

Severe hesitation and rough idle

Sudden ignition cutouts for a brief moment

Engine running extremely violent and vibrating

Knock sensor blues

Knock sensor, loss of power

Knock sensor equivalents PORSCHE 928

Knock Sensor and Hall Sensor wiring

Hall (camshaft position) sensor

Hall sender

Hall sender replacement

Hall sender

Hall sensor test

TDC Crank position Sensor

TDC sensor removing


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